
Little Bos

My little Boston boy is growing up. I'm not ready for it. Today he went on his first overnight camping trip with scouts. Of all my kids Boston is the one I don't like being away from me overnight. I do trust him. He is a great kid. I think I am just freaking out a bit since he is getting so big. In three weeks he starts middle school. He is super excited and I'm excited for him too, but it is a little crazy. Just so you know I did not cry when he started kindergarten and I will not cry now. Boston is just such a sweet kid, I don't ever want to lose that.


ducklips said...

oh, i miss little bos. steve and i were just talking about feeding him taco bell taco sauce when he was 8 months old.

what a fabulous kid!

megan said...

he is such a sweet kid. I don't think you have to worry about losing that, he will always be sweet. I hope he has fun on his campout!

Emily said...

Yeah, I put that he is almost a teenager just to freak you out. I know he has some time still. Bos man rocks!

Bridget said...

Oh, the campouts. Good luck with that. And middle school......yikes.