
He hates to go shoeless!

And that is where the similarities between Mason and Chris Cameron end. Mason is carbon copy Bogle (my maiden name). One afternoon after church Mason walked in the room doing his Ty (my little brother) impression. My jaw seriously dropped! He looked and moved exactly like him. Still dressed in church clothes, shirt unbuttoned, belt unbuckled, leaning on one hip and back at the same time. staring at me like " I rock". I know everyone that knows Ty can picture it. It was just a little unsettling. He also has all the interests of a Bogle boy. Skateboarding, music, playing guitar, shoes, being weird. Needless to say I love having one of the Bogle fam always around. Although he does get a little silly sometimes (maybe that's another one from Chris). I'm definitely gonna have to keep my eye on this kid. Here are a few of my favorite pics of Mason Bogle Cameron. He was very appropriately named.


jaust.me said...

Yes, the silly definitely came from Chris C. I don't know any Bogle's that are silly. We are more the studious types. Mas, you rock, you little stud!

megan said...

oh good you posted a blog. I was going to have to say something about how long it had been since you last posted. It is really funny, Addie has been reminding me a lot of Mason lately, the way she looks. It is so fun to see all the little fimiliarities between our little families. Mason is a stud it is true.

Brian said...

Glad to see the Steve Nash jersey. It's good to know that he's getting a little culture there! There's hope yet.

mahina said...

your pictures are awesome! how do you do it? did you take a photography class or what?? or are you just naturally good at it? probably just comes natural to you!

Tomallama said...

Since when to Bogle boys have a shoe fetish? That's news to me. i hate wearing shoes and would go barefoot everywhere if the ground weren't so dang hot! Maybe it's just Chris... and Ty. Oh wait. I forgot. Maybe I don't share the same love for shoes because I was always considered, "just one of the girls."

Merilee said...

I think it is mostly Chris with the shoe thing.

KrisBo said...

I'm not a Bogle boy, but I hate shoes... and Bogles are just god at everything including photography.. Also.. I am back from page.. woo.

megan said...

Tom she was talking about Chris Cameron and how he hates going without shoes

Merilee said...

No, I was talking about Chris B and his shoe obsession. Well both actually. Depending on which part you read.

Aundrea said...

Okay, I seriously want you to teach me to take pictures like that! They're awesome.

ducklips said...

I love it. Mason is Bogle through and through.
When Mahina was down here she told me my kids looked like one of your boys, which is funny because I think Mas and Addie look alike a bit, but Addie wasn't at church that week. When I asked her which one, she said she didn't remember which was which.

megan said...

oh ok Chris Cameron and Chris Bogle. I guess you did refer to both Chris' when you were talking about shoes. I guess they do both have shoe fetishes.