

Today was fun. We called Plumber to fix leak in ceiling. Plumber came.
Boston face planted at bike track. Went to emergency room. Thank heavens! Nothing Serious. Very swollen nose, tooth through lip, no stitches.
Fun Day!!


ducklips said...

Here's hoping tomorrow is not so much fun.:/

Sheri said...

I've had lots of those days. I always try to be thankful that it wasn't worse...

mahina said...

bummer! his lip reminds me of when i put my tooth through my lip when i was in sixth grade. no stitches either, but i did have to get a root canal. not fun! i still have the scar in my lip.

Emily said...



jaust.me said...

Umm, It's the 30th and this is your most recent post. Tsk Tsk. Bos we're really sorry you got hurt. Hope it feels better by now.