
Hee! Hee! Hee! Huh! Huh! Huh!

My two favorite pictures of me ever!


megan said...

you are brave! I love those pictures too

megan said...

by the way I didn't sign up for this so how does it know my name and email address?

Merilee said...

Brave how? Creepy, it probably knows where you live too!

Bridget said...

However did you do that???

Krista Lou Cook said...

OK, I am at a loss at how you did those pics. You look beautiful baby!

Sheri said...

I am seriously freaked out!

Merilee said...

You just gotta love Mac laptops. They have this crazy distortion stuff.

megan said...

i just don't think that i would have put distorted pictures of myself up for other people to see. However you are more silly than i am

Darilyn said...

You are so funny. Do some more. do some more.

jaust.me said...

I'm laughing out loud and deeply frightened all at the same time. I'm so glad that I know what you really look like.

Emily said...

Hahahahahaha! I love you!