
Good Luck Today, Love Ya Dad!

John Robert Bogle


mahina said...

is that your dad? what a handsome chap! makes me think of john wayne!

Merilee said...

yep! That's my dad back in the day.

ducklips said...

I love that picture of Dad!

Darilyn said...

That is the greatest picture.

Jodi said...

What a great picture and I love the Johnny Cash song to go along with it! YeeHaw!

Darilyn said...

I have to comment again. I love looking at this picture and having that song come on. You really need to put that picture in a frame that can sing that song. It's so perfect.

jaust.me said...

I don't know what all these people are talking about. You are a big jerk! I saw the picture and started to get a little teary, then the song came on and I started to bawl.

Merilee said...

I know, it made me cry too. But that is what dad would do, so it seemed fitting. Dad loves the sad ones, and so do I.