
"In spite of illness, in spite even of the archenemy sorrow, one can remain alive long past the the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways."

Edith Wharton


Bridget said...

You win the prize of the best GBH quote. And believe me, I've read a LOT of them today.

Stephanie said...

That's beautiful. Thank you

Merilee said...

It's actually an Edith Wharton quote, but I thought President Hinckley was a great example of her words.

Elizabeth Dimit said...

It is a fitting tribute to a most excellent man.

ducklips said...

what a wonderful quote. It is a great description of President Hinckley. I think I may take it and put it up on my wall somewhere.

Rochelle said...

Well said.

Natalie said...

I will miss President Hinckley's fun spirit and kind words.

mahina said...

i love the quote and i love the man! he was a perfect example of her words! thanks for sharing! i love seeing all of the tribute posts to such a wonderful man of God!

Darilyn said...

I love that quote. Very fitting.

jaust.me said...

Thanks Mer.