
gentle guidance

Sidney and I tend to disagree on what she should wear. I have always been a "gentle guider" and will never fully relinquish my post. I admit my life( and Sid's) would be much easier if I could just let it all go. Some days, like when she won't be seen by her public, I'll let her wear whatever lame clothes she wants. Other days, she will actually pick out some pretty cute stuff. Then there are the days when I walk out of her room with steam coming out of my ears and her bottom lip is so pouty it almost hits the floor. Usually at that point I've quit speaking to her and she finds something so-so out of the choices I left on her bed. Then I realize how ridiculous I'm being. I don't want Sid to look like nerd though. We are trying to come up with good compromises.

This is a "Sid's controversial items list". Of course, I love these things.

1. leg warmers ( she has worn them, but they were highly contested )
2. her red ruffled slip, I love it under dresses.
3. Ugg's, She absolutely refused until I got mine. She got 2 pairs from the neighbors. $1.00 each!
4. Anything that involves putting her hair up.
5. Red, white, and blue sundress. Probably my favorite thing she owns. It looks so cute with jeans and a sweater.

This is how I want Sid to dress

This is what she prefers.

This is a compromise


megan said...

I love how you dress Beaner! I want a girl just so I can dress her like that too. Unfortunatly kids think they get a choice in what they wear, actually they think they get a choice in everything. Ridiculous!

Aundrea said...

You have the best taste and style...I'm sure she doesn't have a piece of ugly clothing in her room! Like you said, just gentle guidance in what she decides to put together;)

Bridget said...

You must choose all her Sunday outfits because they look very you. I must say, now that I have completely let go and let my kids dress themselves, I am much happier. My kids may be completely mismatched but I don't have to be grumpy about it any more. So my advice.....let it go. Breathe in, breathe out. Then just let it aaaaaaaall go.

mahina said...

i am a gentle guider too! nani usually listens, it's lala who just has to be who she is! you know their differnt personalities so it probably doesn't surprise you!

sid always looks so cute!

Darilyn said...

Sidney does look great. Even when she is wearing her "choices". I do the same as Bridget. I don't really like some of my children's choices but Oh well, they do and as long as they are clean I'll send them to school.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya sistah!

I keep praying it will get easier one day. I do always have final say if we are going to church, or somewhere in public that is nice. If they are going to school, or just random things, I say whatever...

janine said...

I've already given up hope with Maryn which is not an all bad thing as I can't afford to buy her the cute clothes i'd like to so she oddly matches up her hand-me-downs and interesting gifts from grandparents. Somedays I go to Costco wondering what people think of the way she is dressed and then remember, oh yeah! I look worse! She's cute enough to get away with it.

Jodi said...

Ok...she has to be one of the cutest kids on the planet and would look good in just about anything! But I understand where you are coming from. I know I will have a hard time with that one, too...when the time comes. But I think you should just let her develop her own style...you might be surprised with what she can come up with...over time.

Krista Lou Cook said...

I can tell I do not have children. Iam thinking.... what if the clothes just randomly disapear during the day while she is a school, and all that is left are the really cute modelesgue ones...............

Natalie said...

I love all the clothes Sid wears. I too think you should give gentle guidance to what your children wear. Whatever she wears she will always be cute.

Chelle said...

I can imagine how frustrating that is for you, especially when clothing is somewhat of an art for you. You really always look very well dressed and have such great style. Just remember Sidney's got her own canvas. A canvas that looks way better in anything without a big bottom lip, right? Anyway, I feel your pain as a mother of two children that started caring what they wore about the same age they started eating solid food!!

Chelle said...

PS, thanks for checking out my blog. I love your comments.