
Happy Cameron Service Day!

Do you have a garage that needs cleaning? A room that needs painted? A garden in need of weeding? Any help what-so-ever with anything what-so-ever?
My family has decided to try something different this Saturday (yes that's tomorrow 8-16-2008). We would like to fill all the daylight hours with service. We need your help. If you need anything or know anyone else that needs anything, please let me know. This is super late notice but I just barely thought of it, sorry. Leave me a comment of what is needed and I'll contact you in the morning. Thanks!!
Now don't go all lam-o either. This wont work unless you guys comment. You don't want to leave me with nothing to do tomorrow do you?


Becky said...

the Lemmons are moving tomorrow. Im sure they could use help. I think they are meeting at 9.

We are also in need of boxes. If you run out of things to do you could round some up for me. :D

I also know the Crosbys have moved, or are about to, they might need help as well.

Alisha said...

We need to do all three things that you mentioned. (I'm painting my dining room right now.)

Justin needs a man (or a VERY strong woman) to help him lift and nail the kids shop roof on. That's a short but strenuous task.

Merilee said...

Becky, you rock! I'm on it.

Merilee said...

Ok Alisha, you rock too!

Rochelle said...

A few suggestions might be to mow neighbors lawns early in the morn before they get to it. Also find some elderly folks and wash their cars and water their lawns for them in this hot weather. Good luck! This sounds great!

Sarah said...
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Aundrea said...

Oh, man! I read this way too late:) I hope you had a great day and it's a really cool idea...maybe I'll steal it from you someday.

ducklips said...

I may have to steal this idea from you too. Maybe we labor on Labor Day coming up.

I was so excited today because the elders came over and cleaned Toni's back yard. There is a little bit left so they are coming again to finish it next weekend.

brenda said...

Your whole family seemed to glow today--maybe it was all the service. You guys are awesome! And I'm SO sad I wasn't here to read this post in time :0)

Elizabeth Dimit said...

Oh, dang! I wish I'd read this earlier. What a great thing for the Camerons! You're the best!

Merilee said...

For all those that wished they would have seen this sooner. We will definitely be doing this again. We had a great time.

Jodi said...

DANG...we missed out! You will have to post about what you did. I would love to hear about it.

megan said...

um so for your next day of service Reuben and I could really use someone to babysit Catcher for us sometime. Anytime it doesn't matter.

Darilyn said...

What i want to know is if checking on Sam was part of your service on Saturday? You can count that too.

jaust.me said...

What a great plan. You are such a trendsetter. Good thing you're good. btw, we really miss you guys, isn't it almost time for a visit?