
One more to go

With only one day left before Christmas, I am having a minor ummm... problem. I'm not filled with the Christmas spirit! I'm not feeling all cheerful and gay! I'm not singing Christmas carols at the top of my lungs! ( in fact they are all kind of giving me a headache ). I think I've tried all the spirit infusing tricks. I've read Luke and John with the family. I've made cookies and lots of them. I've gone cover to cover of the December Friend and Ensign. We drove around and looked at beautiful Christmas lights. I got to drive through (as a passenger) an amazingly gorgeous snow storm. I went to and enjoyed our Christmas program at church today. I even set up dinner by the Christmas tree tonight and had everyone share their favorite Christmas memories. It still did not work. I'm not feeling scroogy or too caught up in the commercial aspect. I'm just not feeling it. Or feeling anything for that matter! Any ideas? I'm serious! What can I do? I only have one more day to go!


Sheri said...

When you figure it out let me know...I'm feeling the same. I keep waiting for the excitement but I just want to sleep.

ducklips said...

oh, that makes me so sad, although, i do understand the feeling. since i am always up before my kids (they are super late sleepers and steve gets up super early) I sat by myself one morning early and just looked at my christmas tree shining in the dark. it helped me that day very much.

know that you are loved very much and are missed. can't wait to see you in a couple of days

Janalee said...

How about make some ultimate sacrifice for a needy family? Isn't that always the key?

Bridget said...

Figgy pudding? go to the mall and fight the holiday crowds?

Aundrea said...

Good luck with that! I think it might have something to do with your last post and you wanting to see that cute little nephew of yours:)

Rochelle said...

Pray, and ask to feel that sweet spirit of Christ birth. And if nothing else pray for the spirit of chritmas for your children!

Good Luck! I hope you find it in you! It's there its just diggin it up!

Merry Christmas, Merilee!

jaust.me said...

Sing Christmas carols with your fam.

Watch your kids' excitement.

I noticed that Christmas got progressively less exciting until I had kids to liven it up again. The whole service thing is good too. Deliver some of those cookies to someone else and sing them a Christmas carol.

Love ya and can't wait to see you and wish your fam could come too.

Brian said...

Well, I'm glad you're not feeling gay. That is probably a relief to Chris as well.

megan said...

Sorry it is probably because I had Catcher and so you are too excited to come see him. I noticed it was hard for me to get excited for Christmas because of that. My tree only has two ornaments on it right now. My presents are bought and wrapped (wrapped thanks to Natalie though) but I didn't get everything that I wanted to get. I guess there is always today that I could brave the crowds and go buy stuff. Oh wait I am not allowed to drive for two weeks so hopefully somone is willing to be crazy with me.

mahina said...

it's there, you just gotta work harder this year, i guess! if it makes you feel any better, nani is really feeling the spirit of christmas because of your great lesson on Sunday. she told me all about the star puzzle and about how there was a day a night and a day where it didn't get dark!

for not feeling it, you sure are helping others feel it. so thank you for that! i struggle with getting my kids to focus on the real reason for christmas, not just the commercial "what am i going to get this year" part of christmas! you have helped a GREAT deal with nani!

merry christmas!

Krista Lou Cook said...

I am sure you can borrow Heidi's cup if you want a good laugh. Or you can see my latest entry on my blog and have a good laugh at Darilyn and Chris posing for me.

I hope your Christmas day goes better.

Darilyn said...

did it get better? I was feeling the same way (i think i mentioned this on the phone to you) and it got a whole lot better for me.

Merilee said...

ya, It got way better!